1. Chi C*, Zeng X, Bruniaux P, et al. An intelligent recommendation system for personalized parametric garment patterns by integrating designer’s knowledge and 3D body measurements[J]. Ergonomics, 2024. (SCIE&SSCI)
2. Chi C*, Zeng X, Bruniaux P, et al. A study on segmentation and refinement of key human body parts by integrating manual measurements [J]. Ergonomics, 2022,65(1):60-77. (SCIE&SSCI)
3. Chi C*, Zeng X, Bruniaux P, et al. A new parametric 3D human body modeling approach by using key position labeling and body parts segmentation[J]. Textile Research Journal, 2022:92(19-20):3653-3679. (SCIE)
4. Jiang X, Chen Z, Chi C*, et al. Research on intelligent recognition of trouser silhouettes based on label optimization[J]. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 2023, 18: 15589250231168950. (SCIE)
5. Chi C*, Zeng X, Bruniaux P, et al. Application of human feature curves in 3D human model hole repair [C]// Proceedings of the 14th Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium (TBIS 2021). (EI)
6. Chi C*, Zeng X, Bruniaux P, et al. Arm root shape classification of young male based on artificial anthropometry[C]//Developments of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Computation and Robotics: Proceedings of the 14th International FLINS Conference (FLINS 2020). 2020: 622-630. (EI)
7. Sha, S., Li, Y., Wei, W., Liu, Y., Chi, C., Jiang, X., ... & Luo, L. (2024). Image Classification and Restoration of Ancient Textiles Based on Convolutional Neural Network. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 17(1), 11. (SCIE)
8. Tartare G, Chi C, Bruniaux P. Personalized Pattern Recommendation System of Men’s Shirts[M]//Artificial Intelligence for Smart Manufacturing: Methods, Applications, and Challenges. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023: 119-143.
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10. Wang, Z., Wang, J., Wang, Z., Xing, Y., Zeng, X., Bruniaux, P., Chi C & Zhang, M. (2020). A data-driven intelligent approach for generating garment ease using factor analysis-based multilayer perceptron neural network. In Developments of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Computation and Robotics: Proceedings of the 14th International FLINS Conference (FLINS 2020) (pp. 565-572). (EI)
11. 沙莎,刘梦婕,迟诚等。提高动物福利的可穿戴产品研究进展[J]。现代纺织技术,2024,32(02):18-26。(中文核心)
12. 沙莎,李诗怡,迟诚等。基于LVQ神经网络的青年女性胸部识别模型构建[J]。纺织工程学报,2024,2(01):69-79。
1. 以合身为导向的肥胖体型男西装版型自动生成技术研究,湖北省信息化工程技术研究中心开放课题,1万,2023/11-2025/11,迟诚、程哲、吴忻舟,主持,在研
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1. 针织类新文科虚拟仿真实验课程体系的构建与实践探索,2023年湖北本科高校省级教学改革研究项目(本科教育项目),沙莎、江学为、邓中民、陈继红、迟诚,参与,在研
INT J CLOTH SCI TECH、Textile Research Journal 、International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 等期刊审稿人
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